Atelier homeschool program details

Video-Based Instruction you can teach from your home.

Art for homeschool parentsAtelier Online includes 8 levels, each level provides a full year of visual art instruction. Students will build anddevelop a foundation of skills by learning and working through the essential elements and principles of artincluding: line, color, space, shape, form, texture, pattern, balance and emphasis. The program alsoincludes art-history, media exploration, creative self-expression, cultural appreciation, right-braindrawing techniques and much more.

Art for homeschool parentsEach video lesson shows the materials and work space lay-out, provides visual motivational material, and teaches the lesson.This abundant instructional coverage, as well as that of students in a virtual art class performingthe lesson and displaying their finished artwork, consistently produces exceptional student resultsand learning, independent of the art background of the parent-teacher.

Art for homeschool parentsExtremely Teacher Friendly and easy to teach, you simply gather and layout the materials, show the video, and watch you studentscreate an original work of art. It's developmental/sequential approach to teaching art elementsand principles - as well as drawing, technique, artist appreciation, art history, multi-culturalart, media exploration, self-expression, etc. - can always be counted on to get great studentresults in any home or classroom environment. In fact, many homeschool families use Atelier asa regular weekly activity for the entire family.

Art for homeschool parentsValidation Over 1,000,000 students in schools and homes throughout America are using the ATELIER art lessons forchildren to develop their artistic and creative skills, to learn about artists, art-principlesand art-history, and to develop the creative capacities of the right side of the brain.

Comprehensive Teaching Manual with Lesson Plans

All lessons are reinforced by lesson plans which make absolutely clear the objectives, materials, techniques and procedures of each lesson. We also provide information on giving an art show, tips and methods, glossary of terms, visiting a museum, artist chronologies, materials list and more.

Great Masters Virtual Museum

Artist appreciation and art history enhancement. Atelier includes a unique digital art image program with each level which includes artist and artwork background, curriculum connections and additional activities.

Art Print Kits

Artist appreciation and art history enhancement. Atelier Online includes a unique digital art image program (Great Masters Virtual Museum) with each level. We also offer Art Print Kits to enhance your program by adding one of our three art print kits, this is a printed version of the Great Masters Virtual Museum . Each Kit contains ten 8”x10” art-prints with discussion guides, which include artist and artwork background, curriculum connections and additional activities.

Art Supply Kits

Provides student’s basic supply requirements common to all levels. Includes: 30 sheets drawing paper, 50 sheets colored construction paper, 100 sheets warm-up paper, 6-pack of tempera paint, colored & black marking pens, Prang watercolor set with brush, Crayola drawing chalk, wax crayons, easel brush, #10 brush, sponge, drawing pencil, eraser, Elmer's glue.

Parent & Student Support

We are dedicated to the success of your art program and provide professional support for all parents and students. There are 2 ways to contact us for support.

Toll-Free: 1-888-310-ARTS (2787) |  E-mail:

Atelier has proven results

Validated at schools throughout America,

Over 1,000,000 students in schools and homes throughout America are using the ATELIER art lessons for children to develop their artistic and creative skills, to learn about artists, art-principles and art-history, and to develop the creative capacities of the right side of the brain.

If you have looked around for art courses,

you have probably seen a lot of textbooks or workbooks. Your instinct or past experience tells you these will not work for you. Are you ready to try a new approach?

By teaching visual art visually,

You will able to extract the full potential from your student(s). If you are looking for a program that is easy to teach, hands-on, and teaches concepts at the age level, Atelier provides 8 levels of award winning lessons that will empower students from any skill level to achieve amazing results!

Textbooks alone, with no video instruction,

can be confusing and not user-friendly, and may also substitute comformity for creativity. Private lessons are expensive (especially if you have more than one student), inconvenient (lots of driving), and dependant on finding the right teacher.

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